
Prostate Seed Implants

If you or someone you love has been diagnosed with prostate cancer, be assured that highly successful and minimally invasive treatments are available. Brachytherapy is a one-time, half-day procedure that allows you to resume normal activity within a day.  During the procedure, tiny radioactive devices called “seeds” are implanted in the prostate gland to destroy the cancer from the inside, sparing the surrounding healthy tissue.

With highly successful outcomes and fewer side effects, seeds have been providing proven, successful outcomes for over 25 years.

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Eye Plaque Implants

Your doctor may have suggested radiation if you have been diagnosed with ocular cancer. Plaque brachytherapy is the most widely used treatment for choroidal melanoma. With this process, a highly concentrated amount of radiation is delivered to the tumor in the form of small radioactive seeds, which are the size of a small grain of rice.

The seeds are within a small gold disc, which is applied to the eye. Eye Plaque brachytherapy is a vision-sparing outpatient procedure.

    Radioactive Seed Localization (RSL) for Breast Cancer

    Being diagnosed with Breast Cancer may seem overwhelming at first. Your doctor has probably explained that she is doing a lumpectomy to remove and examine the cancerous tissue. While discussing this she may have mentioned that she’ll be using a radioactive seed to localize the tumor. Using a very low-activity (strength) seed, which is the size of a grain of rice, is perfectly safe. The radioactive material is tightly encapsulated within the titanium shell and only gives off enough radioactivity to help the doctor more accurately find and remove your tumor. Your body acts as a natural shield to block the low amount of radiation until it is removed.

    Using this seed instead of the traditional wire is much more comfortable for you leading up to the surgery and also allows the doctor to remove less tissue, therefore preserving more of your breast.